Records Destruction

Records Management Services offers timely destruction of your records. While some of your company's records require permanent storage, most will have a retention schedule that would allow for expired records to be destroyed. Due to the sensitive and confidential nature of these records, simply throwing them in a dumpster is not an option. The records must be destroyed.


Records Management Services provides this service. If your company has a Records Management program, Destroy Dates will be established for each box when you fill out your New Records Entry Form. As the specified date approaches, you will be provided with a Destruction Notice detailing which boxes are eligible for destruction. Once we have your written approval to destroy those boxes, we will create a Work Order to pull those boxes. As those boxes are pulled, we label each box with a Destroy label to ensure that only those boxes are destroyed. We shred all of the contents of boxes that have been approved for destruction. We personally make sure its contents are properly destroyed.


Even if you do not have a Records Management program, but still have some records that need to be destroyed rather than just thrown out, Records Management Services can still help. All boxes will be destroyed via shredding. If you have a need for destruction services, but are not currently a Records Management Services customer, you can request a quote by calling us at 270.843.2318 or email Jennifer Wilson.


Records Management Services also offers destruction bin services, in addition to destruction of records boxes. There are often times in an office environment where you have a stock of papers that are no longer needed, but might contain information too sensitive to simply put in the trash. As identity theft climbs higher on our list of worries, the issue of how to dispose of sensitive items becomes more important. With a RMS destruction bin program, you will be provided with a bin or bins that allow your employees to dispose of sensitive documents in a safe and secure way. The bins are locked so that once documents are placed in the bin, they can only be retrieved by a person with a key, either a supervisor or simply a RMS driver. Inside the destruction bin will be a bag that will collect the items placed in the bin. Either on a regular basis, or when you contact us, we will come to your location and remove the contents of the bin to be prepared for destruction by shredding.


A destruction bin program allows you the peace of mind to know that sensitive documents are not being placed in a trash can that is open to anyone in your office to see, that gets emptied into a dumpster that is open to the public if someone is wanting to get that data badly enough.

Phone: 270.843.2318

Fax: 270.796.1991

P.O. Box 1500

93 Parker Avenue

Bowling Green, KY 42102
